Kajian Tingkat Erosi pada Penggunaan Lahan Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jack) di Sub DAS Tapung Kiri

Edison Anom ', Besri Nasrul ', M. Akhrul Khoiri ', Rohana ' '


The objective of this research is to observe the erodibility of Sub DAS Tapung Kiri at the Kelapa sawit land system
in Rokan Hulu District and Kampar District. Besides that, the purpose of the research is to know the dominant factors
that influence the erotion value. The research used surver nethod based on information graphis overlay map with the
land unit system, overlay topographic map interpretation, land map system and soil map. The value of erodibility scores
using prediction erodibility USLE RKLSCP and regression analyses backward elimination to study the dominant factor
influenced erodibility values. The result showed that there was a variation of TBE on Sub DAS Tapung Kiri with the palm
of land system which classified as i.e. low, midlle, and high the highest index of erodibility was found at location 4
(Petapahan 2) 15,5. Based on analysis regression backward elimination, there were two dominant factors found: slope
length factor and erodibility factor.

Keywords: Erotion, USLE, Sub DAS Tapung

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