Jurnal Agroteknologi Tropika memuat hasil-hasil penelitian mutakhir (5 tahun terakhir), ulasan singkat (review), analisis kebijakan atau catatan penelitian singkat (research note) dan hasil awal percobaan (preliminary result) terkait budidaya pertanian tropika meliputi : Agronomi, Pemuliaan Tanaman, Ilmu Tanah, Proteksi Tanaman dan bidang ilmu pertanian terkait lainnya. 

Jurnal Agroteknologi Tropika terbit dua kali dalam setahun pada bulan Januari dan Juni.


Journal of Tropical Agrotechnologya is a general publication that publishes scientific research results, a brief review, reciprocal analysis or research notes of experimental techniques, tools, observations and preliminary results of experiments in the field related to tropical farming cultivation which discuss : Agronomy, Plant breeding, Soil Science, Plant Protection and another topics relevant with Agriculture discipline.

Journal of Tropical Agrotechnology published 2 issue/year on January and June. Starting on 2018, the Journal of Tropical Agrotechnology regularly published in June and December

Jurnal Agroteknologi Tropika ISSN 2337-6562 (print) and 2721-6411 (online) indexed by:




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Vol 12, No 2 (2023)

Table of Contents


Yoga Budi Alamsyah, Sukemi Indra Saputra
Shodiq Yuda Pratama, Fetmi Silvina
Christian Hotma Lubis, Wawan Wawan, Sukemi Indra Saputra
Tamsir Tamsir, Wawan Wawan