Pewarisan Karakter Toleransi Aluminium Tanaman Sorgum Manis [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] pada Stadia Bibit

Isnaini Isnaini, Trikoesoemaningtyas Trikoesoemaningtyas, Desta Wirnas


The objective of this research was to study the inheritance of Al tolerance of sweet sorghum at seedling stage. The
four populations in this research were UPCA S1 (P1, susceptible parent) and Numbu (P2, tolerant parent), F1 and F1
reciprocal and F2. The crosses of parental, F1, F1R and F2 generation were grown in University Farm of IPB and UPTD
Tenjo from June 2008 to June 2009. The study of Al tolerance inheritance in nutrient solution was conducted in green
house of University Farm of IPB from July-August 2009. Based on reciprocal analysis, all of characters are controlled by
nuclear genes and their inheritance in not affected by maternal cytoplasm. The distribution of F2 genotype indicated
continuous with skewnesses which indicate that all characters are polygenics. All characters of Al tolerance in seedling
stage i.e. root length, root and shoot dry weight were controlled by additive gene action with contribution by
complementary epistasis gene except shoot length that is controlled by additive gene action with duplicate epistasis
gene. All characters had broad sense heritability from medium to high. Based on heritability value, pedigree selection
is the most effective selection method in breeding program for sorghum tolerance to Al.


nutrient solution; sorghum; inheritance; quantitative traits; Al tolerance

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