Multiplikasi Tunas Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea batatas L.) Aksesi 218 dan 219 dengan Pemberian Meta-topolin secara in vitro

Murgayanti Murgayanti, Y.G. Simanjorang, C. Bakti C. Bakti, A. Karuniawan A. Karuniawan


The aim of this experiment was to find the influence of the accessions of sweet potato and concentration of metatopolin
on shoot multiplication using in vitro technique. The experiment was conducted at Seed Technology Tissue
Culture Laboratory of Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Padjadjaran, from May to July 2013. Explants used were stem
segment of sweet potato accessions 218 and 219. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design
with two factors and three replications. The first factor was sweet potato accession (accession number 218 and 219) and
second factor was the concentration of meta-topolin. The results showed there was no interaction between sweet potato
accessions with meta-topolin concentration. Accession 219 with 1.50 ppm meta-topolin was resulted the big number of
shoots, (4 shoots).


accession; in vitro; meta-topolin; multiplication; sweet potato

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