Penggunaan Biofungisida Pelet Trichoderma harzianum pada Pembibitan Awal Kelapa Sawit

Yetti Elfina S, Muhammad Ali, Delfina Delfina


Ganoderma boninense Pat. is one of the pathogens that infects young, immature and mature palm oil plants. The
infection of the fungus can cause the death of palm oil plants, causing a decrease in the production of the plants.
Alternative control of the disease is biological control using granular biofungicide containing Trichoderma harzianum.
One factor that determines the success of the biofungicide is the dosage used. This study aims to determine the effect of
various dosages of T. harzianum granular biofungicide to control G. boninense and to study its effect on the growth of
young palm oil plants at pre nursery stage and obtain the best dosage in controlling G. boninense and to increase
growth of young palm oil plants. This study was performed experimentally using completely randomized design consisting
of 5 treatments and 4 replications. Each replication consisted of 2 young palm oil plants in medium of 4 kg soil/polybag.
The treatment is dosage of granular biofungicide T. harzianum: 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 g/polybag. The data were analyzed
statistically using analysis of variance and the means of treatment were tested with Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test
(DNMRT) at level 5%. The results showed that dosage of granular biofungicide was significantly affected to control the
G. boninense and to increase the height of the young plants and the volume of root of the young plant in the pre nursery
stage. Dosage of granular biofungicide 10 g/polybag gave a better control to G. boninense (lowest diseases intensity:
15,63 %) and to increase growth of young of palm oil plants than other dosages.


Young palm oil plants; G. boninense; T. harzianum and granular biofungicide dosages

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