Peningkatan Produktivitas Padi Sawah melalui Pengelolaan Hara Terpadu di Propinsi Riau

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Increased productivity of paddy rice through integrated nutrient management has been implemented in sub district
Rimba Melintang, Regency Rokan Hilir MH 2012. The design used in this study is a randomized block design (RBD ) ,
which consists of 9 treatments and 3 replications . The treatment is the application of integrated nutrient of inorganic
and organic fertilizers taking into account the needs of the plants and the soil nutrient based fertilizer recommendations
based on the results of fertilizer recommendations soil testing research results . Treatment includes : 1 ) . Poko ( control
) , 2 ) . P1 KCl , 3 ) . P1 , rice straw , 4 ) . P2 , KCl , 5 ) . P2, rice straw , 6 ) . P2 , manure , KCl , 7 ) . P2 , manure , rice straw
, 8 ) . P3 , KCl and 9 ) . P3 , straw . Rice varieties planted are Ciherang . Soil analysis is done at the beginning and end
of the study . Observations of plant cover ; plant height , number of tillers , number of productive panicles and grain yield
. Research results show that the application of integrated nutrient management increase rice production in sub district
RimbaMelintang, Regency Rokan Hilir


Productivity of paddy rice; inorganic fertilizer; organic fertilizer

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