Uji Formulasi Pupuk Hayati Tepung Berbahan Aktif Bacillus sp. pada Bibit Karet (Hevea brasiliensis) Stum Mini

M. Amrul Khoiri, Fifi Puspita, Denny Swardi Rumapea


Rubber plants (Hevea brasiliensis) is a important crop plantations in Indonesia and because contributor of
foreign exchange after oil palm. The study aimed to examine the effect of bio-fertilizer formulations powder contain
active Bacillus sp. and get the best formulations on the growth of rubber seedlings (Hevea brasiliensis) mini stumb. The
research was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Pathology Faculty of Agriculture and the technical implementation
unit of agriculture faculty of Riau University, in December 2014 until May 2015. The methods of research is experimentally
with using completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The data were analyzed statistically
with using analysis of variance and followed by Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test at level á = 5%. The parameters
measured were increase of seedling height increment, stem circumference, in the number of leaves, the ratio of crown
roots and dry weight. The results of the research showing aplication formulations of Bacillus sp. were tested has
significant effect on seedling height increment and the number of leaves but not real effect on stem circumference, the
ratio of crown roots and dry weight. Formulations Bacillus sp. with material peat is the best formulation to influence
seedling height increment and the number of leaves seed rubber mini stumb.


Bacillus sp.; Bio-fertilizer and Seedling Rubber

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