Keanekaragaman Genetik Aksesi Padi (Oryza Sativa L.) Lokal Kampar Berdasarkan Penanda Morfologi

Telphy Utami, Dewi Indiryani Roslim, Aslim Rasyad


This research aims to determine the genetic diversity of local rice accessions from Kampar based on morphological marker. Observation of morphological characters was carried out in the experiment station (greenhouse) Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau. Seed were collected from six regencies in Kampar. The data were analize using microsoft excel program to calculate diversity value ( , standard deviation (SD) and coefficient of diversity (CV). Similarities and dendogram were made using the Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysys Systems (NTSYS) version The genetic diversity of 30 local rice accessions based on morphological characters is around 63%. Analysis of the range of morphological characters in 30 local rice accessions Kampar showed that some characters had a high diversity, moderate diversity  as well as a few other characters had a low diversity. UR 004 (Kuniang) is the accession that has better yield character than others accessions, so it is potential as an elder for pland breeding.


Genetic Diversity; Local Rice; Morphology


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