Keanekaragaman Makrofauna Tanah pada Sistem Agroforestri Tanaman Kelapa Sawit dengan Pohon Gaharu

Meli Roslianti, Wawan Wawan, Delita Zul


Macrofauna is part of soil biodiversity that has an important role in maintaining and restoring soil productivity. This research was conducted to compare the diversity of soil macrofauna in agroforestry systems and monoculture systems. This research was conducted by survey method and determining the location of research with the Purpossive Sampling method. Sample points were taken on the palm oil disc, live and interrow. Sampling was done using a box sampler, followed by a hand sorting method and identified to the family level. Macrofauna calculations are performed on the number of families, population density (KP), relative density (KR), Shannon-Wiener index (H ') and evenness index (E'). Data obtained were analyzed statistically using a t test at 5% level. The results showed that family size, population density, relative density, diversity  index and evenness index of soil macrofauna in agroforestry systems were higher than monoculture systems. Soil macrofauna in the highest agroforestry systems are found in dead storage areas. Termitidae is a family of macrofauna whose population is higher than others.


Agroforestry systems; gaharu; oil palm; monoculture systems; soil macrofauna diversity


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