Uji Ketebalan Pemberian Mulsa Daun Bambu Kering (Bambusa vulgaris Schrad.) terhadap Pertumbuhan Gulma

Mayta Novaliza Isda, Siti Fatonah, Herman Herman


This study was done from May to June 2014 in the garden of Experimental Biology Department of Biology, University of Riau. The objectives of this study were to  determine the thickness of organic mulch of bamboo leaves with the most optimal in controlling the weeds and to determine the influence of the mulch thickness of  dried bamboo leaf on the growth of weeds based on the leaf morphology. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments (without mulch (as control), 3 cm, 6 cm and 9 cm mulch thickness). Each treatments has five replications. The result showed that the thickness of  bamboo leaf mulch gave significant effect on the number of weeds and the most effective much thickness in inhibiting the growth of weed was 9 cm (41 individuals).


Mulch; Bambusa vulgaris Schrad; thickness mulch

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