Perkembangan Penyakit dan Pertumbuhan Lima Varietas Padi (Oryza sativa L.) dengan Sistem Tanam Blok

Veronika Susanti, Suhartiningsih Dwi Nurcahyanti, Rachmi Masnilah


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important staple food source of Indonesian people. Varieties is the one factor that can be affected to the existence of the disease, growth and plant production. Every each variety has a different resistance against the disease causing pathogens. Disease can develops rapidly under the humid condition. Technology to increase rice production that was develop is a system of block, this cropping system is done by making a block ob field where the spacing between blocks are wide while the spacing between plants are narrow. Therefore, conducted research to investigate the effect of five varieties of rice against the exsistence of disease and the growth of rice in the field use the system of block. This research used randomized completed block design (RCBD) with 5 replications. The varieties used in this research are IR64, Logawa, Inpari 13, Ciherang and Cibogo. The Result showed that variety Inpari 13 showed resistance and the best growth on rice diseases, especially on Tungro, but susceptible against Bacterial leaf blight.


Rice disease; system of block; rice varieties

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