Pengujian Kombinasi Bahan Baku Kompos dan Beberapa Dekomposer Terhadap Kualitas Kompos

Hapsoh Hapsoh, Wardati Wardati, Gusmawartati Gusmawarti, Ahmad Yamin Pulungan


Waste management by composting is a good alternative in the management of agricultural waste but high fiber-containing waste will take a long time in the decomposition process so it must be accelerated using cellulolytic microorganisms. The raw materials used are a combination of empty palm oil bunches with restaurant waste and rice straw combination with market waste using Asulglucus flapus, Aspergillus niger, BKD 10-2U2 - 10-4U2 cellulolytic microorganisms and BMN 10-2U2-10-2U1 with 3 replications . Observations included moisture, temperature, color, pH, C / N ratio and macro nutrients N, P and K. The results showed that testing of compost materials from agricultural waste with cellulolytic microorganisms from several sources comply with Indonesian National Compost Quality Standard (SNI) in 2004. The best treatment is in the treatment of rice straw + market waste with microb BKD 10-4U2 with compost water content 47.80%, temperature 29.53 oC, texture very smooth and smell of soil, Dark brown, pH 6.7, C / N 16.60, N 3.08%, P 0.38% and K 2.53%.


Agricultural waste; market waste; restaurant waste cellulolitic microorganisms; SNI 2004.

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