Respons Beberapa Kultivar Kedelai (Glycine max L. Merril) terhadap Pemupukan Fosfor di Lahan Gambut

Kardinal Kardinal, Aslim Rasyid, Murdiati Murdiati


This study was conducted to determine the potential of soybean cultivars and the proper dose of phosphorus fertilizer in peatlands. This study was conducted experiments with factorial experiment arranged using a randomized block design with three replications. The first factor is the cultivar comprising Kaba, Fan White, KM 14, KM 19 and KM-25. The second factor is the dose of phosphorus fertilizer consisting of 0 kg P2O5, 25 kg P2O5, 50 kg P2O5 and 75 kg P2O5 per ha. Each treatment was repeated 3 times in order to get 60 experimental unit. Parameters observed that biomass 28 days after planting, biomass 35 days after planting, leaf area of plants, leaf area index, the rate of growth in absolute, age flowering plants, harvesting age, the sheer number of pods pithy per plant, number of seeds per plant, seed weight per plant, grain weight per meter, 100-seed weight and harvest index. The data were analyzed using SAS version 9:12 satatistik program. Further analysis of the results was tested by LSD test. The final conclusion: 1). All varieties tested in the same potential for peat, although there was a tendency KM - 14 and KM – 19 better vegetative growth than other varieties. 2). In general fertilizer 25 kg P2O5 / ha respectively -masing better than the varieties that are not cultivated and fostered 50, and 75 kg P2O5 / ha, which indicate each variety of responses to P fertilization with a low dose.


soybean genotypes; phosphorus and peatlands

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