Antagonicity of some endophytic fungus isolates of red chili plant against Colletotrichum capsici and their ability to control anthracnose disease on red chili frui

Ahmad Zamil Alamsyah, Muhammad Ali


The research aims to study the antagonisticity of endophytic fungus isolates from red chili and to gain the best antagonistic isolate against Colletotrichum capsici and their ability to control anthracnose disease in red chili fruit. The study consisted of 3 steps : 1) identification of endophytic fungi used exploration method, 2) hyperparasitism activities used observation method, 3) antagonicity (secondary metabolic compounds and volatile organic compounds test) and aplication of endophytic fungi to control anthracnose diseases in red chili fruit used experiment method. Data collected from step 1 and 2 were descriptively analyzed. Data collected from step 3 were analyzed by using analysis of variance. The mean of each treatment were compared with Tukey Test (BNJ) at 5% level. Results of the research showed that S2A2 isolates were identified as Rhizoctonia sp., S3Ba isolates as Cephalosporium sp., S3Ba1 as Streptomyces sp. and S3Bu has not been identified. The four endophytic fungus isolates have the ability of hyperparasitism to control C. capsici with the type of attachment, twisting and lysis. Rhizoctonia sp. has the highest antagonicity based on the antagonist test of secondary metabolic compounds and volatile organic compounds. Rhizoctonia sp also has the best ability to control anthracnose disease in red chili fruit, which can inhibit the appearance of initial symptoms, decrease the intensity of anthracnose disease (22.50%) and has sufficient level to control anthracnose disease on red chili fruit.


endophytic fungi; Colletotrichum capsici; antagonist test.

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