Changes of Soil Chemical Properties, Dissolved Organic C, and Growth of Sweet Corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) on Ameliorated Peat Soil

Yulistia Septari, Wawan Wawan, Nelvia Nelvia


Dolomite is often used to overcome the low fertility of peat soil, but also increases the solubility of organic compounds. Other ameliorants that containing polyvalent cations are available so they can be utilized. This study aims to determine ameliorants that increase the chemical properties of peat soil, but keep maintance decreasing solubility of organic C and increase the growth of sweet corn. This research was conducted from November 2017 to March 2018 in the Experimental Garden Technical Implementation Unit and Soil Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau. This study was carried out experimentally using a completely randomized design (CRD) that consisting of 8 treatments,  namely dolomite 3 tons ha-1, compost 9 tons ha-1, dregs 9 tons ha-1, fly ash 9 tons ha-1, compost 4,5 tons ha-1 mixed dregs 4,5 tons ha-1, compost 4,5 tons ha-1 mixed fly ash 4,5 tons ha-1, dregs 4,5 tons ha-1 mixed fly ash 4,5 tons ha-1, and compost 3 tons ha-1 mixed dregs 3 tons ha-1 and fly ash 3 tons ha-1. The results showed that ameliorant mixture of compost 4,5 ton ha-1 and fly ash 4,5 ton ha-1 increase of soil Potassium and plant growth.


ameliorant; dissolved organic C; peat; sweet corn.

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