Correlation between Development Characters of Oil Palm Bunch (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) with Yield Component and Days to Harvest

Anerlan Anerlan, Aslim Rasyad, Adiwirman Adiwirman


This study aims to determine the pattern of oil palm bunches development and look at the fat composition at various stages of bunch development which will later be used as criteria for determining the most appropriate bunch harvest time in oil palm plants. This research was conducted by field survey on 7-year-old oil palm plants. A total of 90 plants whose female flowers were in bloom were selected from the experimental garden to ensure that the initial bunch development started at the same time. Sampling of bunches was carried out every 15 days starting at 30 days after pollination (HSP), then after 120 HSP samples were taken every 5 days until the bunch was 180 HSPso that 20 sample points were obtained. Observations made included bunch analysis, fruit analysis and fruit fat analysis. The results showed that the observed variable values tended to increase according to age and bunch development and decreased slightly after reaching the maximum value. The pattern of development of bunch weight and dry weight of oil palm bunch was inversely correlated with fruit moisture content. Mesocarp total fat content of oil palm fruit at the age of 30 HSP was still very low but increased until the age of 170 HSP. Meanwhile, free fatty acid levels began to exist at the age of 75 HSP and continued to increase at the age of 185 HSP. All parameters observed were positively correlated with each other, except for the water content of the fruit, which had a negative correlation. Bunch development reached its maximum point when the fruit was 170-175 HSP. Therefore, when this sample can be used as a reference for the right harvest time for oil palm plants.


oil palm; morphology; mesocarp; kernel; harvest time.

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