Synthetic insecticide test for Sycanus croceovittatus Dohrn. predator of Setora nitens Walker. caterpillar pest oil plants (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)

Rusli Rustam, Hafiz Fauzanah, Afnan Muhammad Ardan


Sycanus croceovittatus Dohrn. is one of the predators of the Setora nitens Walker caterpillar pest. in oil palm plant.  Control of caterpillar pest Setora nitens commonly used is synthetic insecticides, but its unwise use can cause the death of predator S. croceovittatus. The research was conducted at the Field PHT Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Riau University, Pekanbaru from July to August 2018. This study aims to determine the effect of synthetic insecticides on natural enemies S. croceovittatus in controlling S. nitens caterpillar pests. This study was conducted experimentally using a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and five replications. The treatments used were treatments without insecticides, profenofos, deltamethrin and sipermetrin. The treatment of synthetic insecticides has a negative impact on the decline of predator population S. croceovittatus with total mortality of synthetic insecticides made from active profenofos by 30%, insecticides made from deltamethrin by 26.7%, and insecticides made from sipermetrin by 30% with 2 ml.l-1 water synthetic insecticide.


synthetic insecticides; oil palm; pest Setora nitens Walker; Predator Sycanus croceovittatus Dohrn.

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