Technology on Increasing the Ability Of Red Chili Plant Endophytic Fungus S2A2 Isolate to Controling the Colletotrichum Capsici

Ahmad Zamil Alamsyah, Muhammad Ali


The research aims to obtain the best compounds to increase the ability of S2A2 isolate to control Colletotrichum capsici. The  experimental units were arranged in a complete randomized design. The treatments used were enrichment compounds i.e : glutamic acid, auxin and giberelin hormones. The data were analyzed  descriptively and Duncan's New Multiple Range Test at 5% level. The parameters observed were the characteristic of the isolate, the abiity of isolate growth, colony diameters, inhibition the isolate, hiperparasitism, inhibition of volatile organic compounds and the amount of metabolic secondary acid produced. The result indicated that enrichment of glutamic acid of 1 gL-1 on PDA medium was the best compounds to increase the control capability of the isolate.


Colletotrichum capsici; endophytic fungi of S2A2; increasing technology.

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