Benefits and Effects of Rhizobium sp. Bacteria Inoculation in the Growth of Soybean Plants (Glycine max L)

Juju jumiati


This study aims to test the effectiveness of legin and mulch inoculants on the number of nodules and bacterial growth of soybean plants. The research design used was Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 2 factors and 4 replications. Rhizobium's role in plant growth is related to the availability of nitrogen for its host plants. The administration of legin and mulch inoculants is very influential on the number of root nodules and growth of soybean plants. And the ability of Rhizobium to tether nitrogen from the air is influenced by the size of the root nodules and the number of root nodules.


Legin; Mulch; Nitrogen; Rhizobium.

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