Uji Efektivitas Asap Cair Pelepah Kelapa Sawit untuk Mengendalikan Curvularia sp. dan Cercospora sp. secara In Vitro

Yusmar Mahmudi, Mhd.Sulaiman Zulkarnain Pulungan, Syukria Ikhsan Zam


Curvularia sp. and Cercospora sp. are the pathogenic fungus that cause leaf spote specially in oil palm, so it needs to be controlled. One of the alternative control used is liquid smoke from oil palm waste. This research aims to obtine the best concentration of oli palm midrib liquid smoke which was inhibit the growth of Curvularia sp. and Cercospora sp. in vitro. This research was conducted in September untill December 2021 at the Pathology, Entomology, Microbiology and Soil Science Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, Islamic State University Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Research was treat of 6 concentrations of oil palm midrib liquid smoke (0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5%) with 4 replications, so it amount 48 research units. Parameters of this research are total phenolic, macroscopic, growth rate (cm/day) and percentage of inhibitory (%) Curvularia sp. and Cercospora sp. Oil palm midrib liquid smoke had a total phenol 3.53%. oil palm midrib liquid smoke with 2% and 4% concentration have already very effective to inhibit in the macroscopic of Curvularia sp. and Cercospora sp. with 100% effectiveness and growth rate is 0 cm/day.


Cercospora sp.; Curvularia sp.; liquid smoke, oil palm


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