Aplikasi Kompos Tkks Dan Pupuk P Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiata. L)

Ranti Febrianti, Muhammad Amrul Khoiri, Erlida Ariani


Productivity in Riau Province is still low, this is due to decreased soil fertility. This research aims to determine the interaction of the TKKS compost application with P fertilizer and single factor each and to obtain the best treatment combination for the growth and yield of green bean plants. The research was conducted experimentally with a completely randomized design (CRD). The first factor is the dose of  TKKS compost consisting of 3 levels (0, 5 and 10 ton.ha-1). The second factor was the dose of P fertilizer consisting of 3 levels (0, 75 and 150 kg.ha-1). Parameters observed were the percentage of effective root nodules, plant height, number of primary branches, flowering age, harvest age, number of pods per plant, percentage of fruitful pods per plant, seed weight per plant and weight of 100 seeds. The results showed that the interaction of TKKS compost and P fertilizer increased the number of primary branches, accelerated harvesting and increased the weight of 100 seeds. Applying 10 ton.ha-1 TKKS compost can increase the percentage of effective root nodules, number of primary branches, flowering age, number of pods per plant, and seed weight per plant. Application of P 75 kg.ha-1 fertilizer can increase the percentage of effective root nodules, plant height, harvest age, number of pods per plant, percentage of fruitful pods per plant, seed weight per plant and weight of 100 seeds. Application of TKKS compost 10 tons.ha-1 and P fertilizer 75 kg.ha-1 and 150 kg.ha-1showed the best results on all parameters.


Mung Bean;Compost TKKS;P Fertilizer


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