Pengaruh Pemberian Kompos TKKS dan Pupuk MKP terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tanaman Kacang Tanah (Arachis hypogaea L)

Arnis En Yulia, Zulfatri Zulfatri, Nelvia Nelvia, Muhammad Ardiansyah, Nursiani Lubis


This study aims to determine the intrection effect of TKKS compost and MKP fertilizer, single factor of TKKS compost, single factor of MKP fertilizer on the growth and production of peanut plants, as well as to obtain a better dose of TKKS compost and MKP fertilizer on the growth and production of peanut plants. This research was conducted as a factorial experiment using a completely randomized design (RAL). The first factor is TKKS compost which consists of 3 levels, that is K1 = 5 ton.ha-1, K2 = 10 ton.ha-1, K3 = 15 ton.ha-1. The second factor is the application of MKP fertilizer which consists of 3 levels, that is P1 = without MKP, P2 =2,25 g.l-1 water, dan P3 = 4,50 g.l-1 water. The results showed that the interaction of TKKS compost and MKP fertilizer had a significant effect on the parameters of plant height, number of pods per plant, dry seed weight per plant, dry seed weight per m2 and the factor of TKKS compost and MKP fertilizer had a significant effect on plant height, number of primary branches, flowering time, number of pods per plant, dry seed weight per plant, dry seed weight per plot, weight of 100 peanut dry seeds. Applying 15 tons.ha-1 TKKS compost with 2.25 g.l-1 MKP fertilizer and 4.50 g.l-1 water as much as 1,87 l per m2 and TKKS compost 10 tons.ha-1 with 4,50 g.l-1 water as much as 1,87 l per m2 gave the best results in increasing the growth and production of the peanut plant variety Hypoma-1.


MKP fertilizer, Peanuts, TKKS compost


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