Optimalisasi Produksi Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) melalui Pengaturan Jumlah Pelepah dan Aplikasi Pupuk Kalium

Samuel Jhon Roy Sibarani, Muhammad Amrul Khoiri, Tengku Nurhidayah, Irfandri Irfandri


Optimizing canopy management through pruning by regulating the number of fronds will enhance light interception, enabling oil palm to carry out photosynthesis more efficiently. Oil palm plants require an adequate supply of fertilizers, especially potassium. Insufficient potassium nutrients can lead to a decline in production. This study aims to investigate the interaction between the regulation of frond numbers and potassium fertilizer application on the production components of oil palm plants, as well as the individual effects of each factor, to determine the optimal treatment. The experiment was conducted using a factorial randomized block design. The first factor involved three levels of frond numbers (56, 50, and 44 fronds per plant), while the second factor included four levels of potassium fertilizer application (0, 3, 4, and 5 kg per plant). Each experimental unit consisted of two 7-year-old oil palm plants. Observations were made on the number of female inflorescences, the number of male inflorescences, the sex ratio, the number of bunches, and the bunch weight. The data were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance with the SAS application and further tested with Duncan's Multiple Range Test at a 5% significance level. The results revealed an interaction between frond number regulation and potassium fertilizer application on sex ratio, number of fruit bunches, and bunch weight. Setting the frond number at 50 per plant increased the sex ratio, number of bunches, and bunch weight, while the application of 5 kg of potassium fertilizer per plant increased the number and weight of bunches. The optimal frond number for 7-year-old oil palm plants was found to be 50, coupled with the application of 5 kg of potassium fertilizer per plant.


Oil Palm; pruning; number of frond; potassium fertilizer


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