Studi Beberapa Sifat Fisik Dan Kimia Tanah Gambut Pada Hutan Rawa Gambut Dan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit

Christian Hotma Lubis, Wawan Wawan, Sukemi Indra Saputra


The increase in population is always accompanied by an increase in land demand, on the other hand there has been a reduction in productive land due to industrial and housing needs, agriculture, and the plantation sector. The purpose of this research was to identify differences in the physical and chemical properties of soil from peat swamp forest turned into oil palm plantations. The research was conducted using a survey method, determining the location using a purposive sampling method on peatland forests and oil palm plantations with different planting ages. Stratified random sampling was used to determine sampling points, grouped according to peat swamp forest and peatland that had been converted to oil palm plantations in the 1997 and 2001 planting years. Five sampling points were randomly selected for each stratum using the zigzag method, resulting in a total of 15 sampling points. The results showed that in oil palm plantations, the content weight (BI) and particle density (KP) of the soil were higher, while the total pore space (TRP), permeability and water table were lower. Soil pH, C-organic content, N-total and P-total were higher than in peat swamp forest peatlands. In oil palm plantations planted in 1997, soil bulk density (BI), particle density (KP) were higher, total pore space (TRP) and soil permeability were lower. Soil C-organic, soil P-total were higher, and soil pH and N-total were lower than in the 2001 planting year oil palm plantations. In general, soil pH, C-organic content, N-total content and P-total content of peat soil at 0-30 cm depth were higher than at 30-60cm depth


Peat Soil; Oil Palm Plantation; Soil Chemical Properties; Soil Physical Properties;


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