Keragaman Makrofauna Tanah Pada Inceptisol yang Diaplikasi Berbagai Komposisi Mulsa Organik Dan Kepadatan Cacing Tanah Di Bawah Tegakan Tanaman Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)

Tamsir Tamsir, Wawan Wawan


Oil palm plantations have become a profitable business, so that state, private and community plantation companies cultivate oil palm. The area of oil palm plantations in Riau Province in 2019 amounted to 2,806,349 ha. The suitable climate makes oil palm plants in Indonesia including in Riau cultivated on every type of soil available, most of which are acid mineral soils. Acid mineral soils have a wide distribution in wet tropical regions, including Indonesia. The total area of acid mineral soil in Indonesia is about 69.46% of the total land area in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of macrofauna applied to various organic mulch compositions and earthworm densities on Inseptisol soils under producing oil palm stands and to find out the best combination of organic mulch composition treatment with earthworm density that produces the highest macrofauna diversity. This research was conducted in a non-factorial experiment consisting of 6 treatments repeated 3 times each. Parameters observed were population density, relative density, diversity index (H`) and standard deviation. The data obtained from this study were then analyzed descriptively then the data results were presented in the form of tables. Giving some organic mulch composition and earthworm density produced 11 types of soil marofauna families (Termitidae, Formicidae, Lumbricidae, Achatinidae, Gryllidae, Blattidae, Carabidae, Chelisochidae, Eurymerodesmidae, Scolopendridae, Oniscidae). The highest diversity index (H`) value was in the M2 treatment (Mucuna bracteata: Empty palm bunches: Palm fronds =1:2:1).


Inseptisol soil; Macrofauna; Oil palm empty fruit bunches; Oil palm fronds; Mucuna beracteata;


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