Kajian Stok Karbon Tanah Akibat Alih Fungsi Lahan Tanaman Karet ke Tanaman Jagung dengan Metode Tebang Bakar di Nagari Muaro Bodi Kabupaten Sijunjung
The rubber plant is one of the main commodities cultivated in Nagari Muaro Bodi, Sijunjung Regency. The latex produced by rubber trees has an unstable selling price and tends to decline, leading farmers to convert their land to corn crops using the slash and burn method. This study aims to assess soil carbon stocks due to land conversion using the slash and burn method on burned land. The research was conducted from March to July 2023 on farmer's land in Nagari Muaro Bodi, Sijunjung Regency. Soil samples were then analyzed at the Soil Chemistry and Fertility Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Andalas University. Soil samples were taken using a composite purposive random sampling survey method in three land conditions (rubber plantation, burned land, and cornfield). Based on the pH analysis, samples at the study site were classified as very acidic to neutral. Carbon stock analysis showed that the rubber plantation had a carbon stock of 41.08 tons/ha (0-20 cm) and 33.92 tons/ha (20-40 cm); the burned land had a carbon stock of 44.66 tons/ha (0-20 cm) and 63.72 tons/ha (20-40 cm); the carbon stock increased in the cornfield to 72.92 tons/ha (0-20 cm) and 148.66 tons/ha (20-40 cm). Based on the results of the laboratory analysis, it can be suggested that farmers add organic matter periodically and sustainably rather than the land function returning to optimal and feasible as a medium for plant cultivation.
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