Analisis Status Kesuburan Tanah di Sawah pada Kecamatan Bulango Timur Kabupaten Bone Bolango

Rizky Sadewa, Ramdan Yunus, Ika Okthora, Fardyansjah Hasan, I Made Sudiarta, Suwandi Said, Yahya Ngoiyo


Serious threat faced to Increasing of rice production is reducing soil fertility levels, resulting in a leveling off of rice production. Efforts to increase rice production must begin with evaluating the status of soil fertility to become the basis for improving soil quality and applying efficient fertilizer in an effort to increase lowland rice production in a sustainable manner.. This research aims to analyze the fertility status of rice fields in the East Bulango District and provide recommendations for balanced fertilization for rice fields in the East Bulango District. The research was conducted in August-September 2023 in East Bulango District, Bone Bolango Regency. The research was carried out using qualitative method by taking 153 soil plot. There were 17 test soil samples spread across 4 villages in East Bulango District. Based on the research results, it was concluded that the fertility of paddy fields in the East Bulango District is in the medium to high category, but with a slightly acidic pH status. Recommendations for the use of urea and phonska fertilizers for farmers in the East Bulango District area with a maximum recommendation of urea of 200 kg per hectare and NPK of 200 kg per hectare.


Fertility; Fertilizer; Rice; Ricefield


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