Penggunaan Kombinasi Arang Batang Kelapa Sawit dan Pupuk N, P, dan K pada Tanaman Jagung Manis (Zea mays var.saccharata Sturt)

Yenni Suhana, Hapsoh Hapsoh, Wardati Wardati


This research aimed to study the effect of charcoal from oil palm trunks on soil chemical, growth and production of sweet corn, to study the effect of application N, P, K fertilizers on growth and production of sweet corn and combination of charcoal from oil palm trunks  and application N, P, K fertilizers  on growth and production of sweet corn. The experiment was arranged in a factorial trial using a completely randomized block design with three replicates. The first factors used the treatments in this experiment were : A0 (without charcoal), A1 (10 ton/ha), A2 (20 ton/ha), A3 (30 ton/ha), A4 ( 40 ton/ha), A5 (50 ton/ha). The second factors, were : P0 (without anorganinic fertilizers P1 (N = 75 kg/ha, P2O5 =15 kg/ha dan K2O=30 kg/ha), P2(N =150 kg/ha, P2O5 =30 kg/ha dan K2O =60 kg/ha). The results showed that application oil palm trunks can reach soil pH (5.10 to 6.64), C-Organic around 2.45-5.20%, N total 0.15-0.24%, K total  around 25.15 –42.15 mg/g,available P (4.4 to 129.72 ppm) and  soil cation exchange capacity (10.74 to32.31 me/100 g.  Application of charcoal from oil palm trunks can improved plant height, number of leaves sweet corn, weight of cob, root-shoot ratio, lenght of cob and dry weight of plant. Application of N,  P, K fertilizers can reach plant height,  weight of cob and  dry weight of plant. Combination of charcoal from oil palm trunks dosage 30 ton/ha and application N, P, K fertilizers  (75:15:30) kg/ha can improved plant height and weight of cob and combination of charcoal from oil palm trunks dosage 50 ton/ha and application N, P, K fertilizers  (75:15:30) kg/ha showed the heigest dry weight of plant.


charcoal from oil palm trunks; N; P,;K fertilizers; sweet corn

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