Evaluation the Status of Soil Degradation for Oil Palm Production at Company and Small Holder Plantations in Pasir Penyu Sub-District, Riau

Nandya Imanda, Wawan Wawan


The study aims to determine potential degradation in oil palm plantations, evaluate the status of soil degradation in the company and small holder’s plantations in Pasir Penyu Subdistrict, and develop recommendations for improved management to control land degradation. The study was conducted in March-May 2019 in Pasir Penyu Subdistrict, Indragiri Hulu District, Riau Province. The method of implementation is determining the potential for soil degradation, field surveys and laboratory analysis, and determining the status of soil degradation. The results showed small holder’s plantations had mild level of potential degradation an area 3,019.11 ha (79.55%) and moderate an area 776.27 ha (20.45%). The company's plantations had mild level of potential degradation an area 1,624.25 ha (43.85%) and moderate an area 2,079.46 ha (56.15%). Results from field surveys and laboratory analysis in 12 land map units, each of which has several parameters that exceed land boundary, have degradation status from mild to heavy. Small holder’s plantations with mild status an area 3,020.23 ha (79.58%) and heavy status an area 775.15 ha (20.42%). Company’s plantations with mild status an area 2,310.40 ha (62.38%) and medium status an area 1,393.31 ha (37.62%). Land with soil degradation is recommended to implement improved soil management, namely the provision of inorganic materials for land with high permeability, provision of ameliorants (lime/ash) for high acidity land, a combination of terrace and planting LCC (Legume cover crop) for land with high slope, as well as making rorak and biopore infiltration holes for considerable erosion potential.


land evaluation of soil degradation; oil palm; company and small holder plantation.

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