Content and Effectiveness Of Kiambang Extract (Salvinia molesta) as Pre-Emergence Bioherbicide in the Control of Babadotan Weed (Ageratum conyzoides)

Yus Dwi Yanti, Hapsoh Hapsoh, Anthony Hamzah


Kiambang is a water weed that is easy to grow and is widely available in rice fields and waters in Indonesia. Kiambang contains secondary metabolites which have the potential to inhibit the germination of babadotan weeds. Utilization of kiambang extract as a bioherbicide has not been done much. This research was conducted to determine the potential of kiambang extract as a bio-organic material for pre-emergence weed babadotan. The study was conducted at the Laboratory of Natural and Mineral Materials, Faculty of Engineering and Plant Ecophysiology Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau from May 2019 to July 2019. The study used a Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with 5 treatments extract of kiambang extract, namely 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and repeated 4 times. The analysis showed that kiambang extract contained 50.92 mg GAE / g phenol, 13.14 mg QE / g flavonoids, 96 mg / g alkaloids, 0.21 mg TAE / g tannin, 32 mg / g saponins. Kiambang extract with a concentration of 20% has been able to inhibit the germination of babadotan weeds so that it can be used as pre-emergence bioherbicides.


babadotan; bioherbicide; weeds; kiambang; pre-emergence.

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