Adaptation of Some Soybean Genotipes (Glycine max (L) Merril) to Shading Conditions Under Two Oil Palm Plant Age
This research was conducted to study the adaptation of several soybean genotypes planted in two shade conditions in accordance with oil palm plants. This study uses a Split Plot Design with 24 combinations and 3 replications, analysis of variance fingerprints and analysis in the laboratory. The level of shade oil palm plants as Main Plots with 3 settings: age 0 years, age 3 years and 5 years. Plot with 8 genotypes: Anjasmoro, Agromulyo, Burangrang, Dena 1, Devon 1, Devon 2, Grobogan and Deja 1. Parameters that refer to the age of flowering plants, age of harvesting, speed of accumulation of dry matter (KPBK), effective seed delivery options (effective seed delivery) WPE), plant height, section length, number of pithed pods, number of seeds per plant, seed weight per plant, income index, yield per m2, weight of 100 seeds, fat content and protein content. General results indicate significant genetic variability for flowering plants, weight of 100 seeds, fat content and protein content. Heritability of the four variables announced was significant or different from zero, namely flowering plants, weight of 100 seeds, fat content and protein content of seeds. Dena 1, Devon 2 and Grobogan genotypes have higher growth and yield components and are suitable for 3-year-old oil palm plants according to 5 characters related to harvest age, KPBK, tall plants, number of pods and yields per m2.
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