Sugar palm (Arenga pinnata Merr.) is an industrial plant that has economic value and has the potential to be developed by the community because it has many benefits. Factors that support the growth of sugar palm in the nursery phase by understanding the environmental conditions growing by using shade and fertilization. This research aims to know the effect and determine the best NASA POC concentration in each shade treatment, to know the effect and determine the best NASA POC concentration and to know the effect and determine the best shade treatment on the growth of sugar palm seedlings. This research was carried out at UPT Experimental Gardens, Faculty of Agriculture, Riau University from February to June 2021. This research was conducted experimentally using a Spilt Plot design divided into Randomized Block Design (RAK), with shade level (N) as the main plot consisting of (50 % shade and 70% shade), concentration of NASA liquid organic fertilizer as sub-plots consisting of (0 cc.l-1, 3 cc.l-1, 6 cc.l-1) with 4 replications. The data obtained were analyzed statistically and continued with Duncan's multiple level test at 5% level using SAS. Parameters observed were shoot emergence time, seedling height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf area, seedling fresh weight, root volume, seedling dry weight and root crown ratio. The results showed that the growth of sugar palm seedlings was better in the interaction of NASA liquid organic fertilizer concentration of 6 cc.l-1 with the use of 50% or 70% shade, as well as by giving NASA POC with a concentration of 6 cc.l-1 and the use of 70% shade level.
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